Wednesday, 5 August 2020


Elara was an elephant – grand, imposing, beautiful yet she had a problem… she was so forgetful. The other elephants feared to let her out of their sights. 

The elephant’s memory is legendary they will demonstrate this by returning each year to the place their ancestors died. Bones laid testament to their everlasting memories, but Elara was different.

She would forget things in the short- term memory everything since the traumatic escape from the poachers.

She had hidden those feeling (PST) deep down because she couldn’t cope with the onslaught of emotions, they created inside her. She had locked them so deep that it appeared she’d forgotten but it had scarred her inside. She now forgot everything she did.

Her family consisted of Elena her mother, Elliot her father and Ellard her brother and they constantly lived in fear that she would disappear or get lost again and something terrible would happen due to this problem. 

This feat was manageable for many years as the family roamed the African desert not stopping and rarely leaving each-others sight.

One day, Elara went for a walk and slipped down a hole into a cavern black and dark. Fear began to take root and when she heard the screech and the flutter of a wing before I touched her flesh, she fled towards the light barely visible in the distance. 

She stumbled and tripped but would not be stopped. But nearing the hole she fell and slid out the cavern plummeting to the river below screaming for help. Her last sight was of her family staring over the edge of the cliff way above her head.

When she woke, she was once again in a cage locked inside a van that belonged to poachers. This sent her into frenzy as she began to remember what had happened before. A sound of absolute terror escaped her, and the world went silent. Suddenly, the van was barged and tilted on its side. 

Elara fell and screamed but immediately got up as her brother ripped the door of the cage. The poachers had been barged into the river and had been swept by its current.

Elara looked at her family and said, “Thank you, I am home.” With that they returned to their wandering. One unit…one family…one restored elephant amongst them.

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